Sunday, 13 November 2011

Wizzards won it, story in more depth!

Ok so after a long pitching session, we all agreed on a story with two wizards. I had originally pitched the idea as two good guys, who each play off each other and both fail, however my group preferred the idea of having the wizards as opposing moralities; Good and Bad. To off set these two extremes we now plan to have a neutral character to be the intermediary, and we are thinking an old man.

When this old man character was suggested, I immediately thought of the old guy from the Emperors new groove(reference below:)

Although changing the wizards changes the dynamic of the story, I am still excited to see how this story unfolds!

At the moment the story is outlined as follows:

A wizard wakes up and goes outside, he sees his mortal enemy and decides to play a trick on him. In playing the tick, he accidently destroys an old old characters house and both wizards get kicked out of town.

we are thinking that the wizards could be good and bad, and the old character will be neutral in our piece

More development is obviously needed, we will be putting a screen play together shortly, and then a storyboard and animatic!